Care of the Elderly

Care of the Elderly with a Fracture

Elderly patients often suffer a “fragility” fracture as the bone can be easily broken.  This can often be a result of osteoporosis. It is crucially important to prevent falls in elderly people. Making even small changes may make a big difference in this person’s life…

Falls Prevention

A fall can often affect an older person’s confidence and mobility. After an injury, an older person’s bone can take a little longer to heal, the joint near the fracture stiffens more easily and the skin can suffer abrasions as a result of the cast.

Common fractures associated with osteoporosis are:

Associated comorbidities such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, chest problems and memory problems can further complicate treatment. For this reason, a multidisciplinary approach involving the medical physicians, nursing staff or community care, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and family, helps the orthopaedic team in appropriate fracture management.

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Here is a useful website for  Home care packages

Click here for information on Hip Fractures is a great website run by the citizens information board. It contains information on assistive technology and a directory of products available from suppliers for people with disabilities and older people.

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence have great advice- particularly for elderly patients, carers and healthcare providers.

The FRAX tool is an excellent questionnaire for fragility fracture risk assessment.