Pain Control in Children

Pain Control in Children

Pain control or relief for your child must be done carefully in conjunction with the directions on the medication or by your doctor.


  • Always read the instructions that come with the pain medicine so that you give the right dose at the right time.
  • If the pain is severe, then give the pain medicine regularly.
  • Do not wait for the pain to get very bad.  It takes 45 minutes to work.
  • Combining different types of pain medicines is often more effective and safer at relieving pain than giving higher doses of one type only.
  • Distracting the child will help with the pain- for example, watching TV, reading a story, massage or playing gentle games.
  • Giving pain medicine at bedtime will help your child to sleep better- even if your child is fasting for an operation.
  • Younger children are more difficult to assess for pain. Their behaviour however, can help you- crying, irritable, not eating or playing are signs of continuing pain.
  • It is well-advised to focus on regularly taking simple pain-killers before looking for stronger pain-killers.

Injured Limb

  • RICE– Remember- Rest Ice Compression Elevation
  • A proper splint in the form of a cast will frequently provide adequate analgesia
  • Elevating the limb reduces swelling which will often relieve pain
Happy Child with Cast
Happy Child with Cast- adequate pain relief