
WalkingRehabilitation after a foot injury requires strengthening up the calf, ankle and foot which become stiff and weak while in a cast or boot. It is also quite prone to recurrent swelling.

  • Start by rolling a bottle or can on the ground under your foot. Use a belt or elastic band to stretch the foot upwards.
  • With the foot on the ground, press the toes into the floor. With your heel on a book and your forefoot (the front of your foot) on a weight scales, you can see how strong your toes are and what progress you are making.
  • Spread the toes as far apart as possible.
  • Pick up a pencil or marbles with the toes.
  • Walk on tip-toe, then walk on your heels. Gradually increase this.
  • Some advocate writing the alphabet with your foot!
  • It may be useful when starting back running to run in the swimming pool or on a cross-trainer in a gym first.

TIPS – Buying the Correct Running Shoes

  • Try out several options with the aid of the sales assistant before settling on one pair. Ideally your foot should be assessed and measured by the assistant. To avoid cramping your toes when running, it is often a good idea to buy running shoes half of a size(US/UK)/one size(European) larger than you would normally buy.
  • If you usually wear insoles, bring them with you so that you can try them with the new shoes.
  • Testing the shoe may mean running on it before you make up your mind.
  • Build into your decision the type of ground you plan on running on- track, treadmill, grass etc.
  • Watch for blisters when first starting off. This may mean that these are not the runners for you.